1. It is completely free and open source.

Open source simply means that WordPress has dedicated developers all across the globe who are working on improving the site. The best advantage is that you will benefit from their feature and security updates at absolutely no cost! There will not come a time when they would start charging you for using their services. This makes WordPress the best CMS provider since the others can hardly compete with this free and open source nature.

2. WordPress offers a lot of plugins.

Since most WordPress users have no prior knowledge on website designing, they can benefit from the many plugins that are readily available at WordPress. Plugins, also called extensions are tiny codes that extend your site’s functionality, which saves you the time and money that you would have used on a developer.

3. Fairly easy to use.

A lot of people start their own websites powered by WordPress simply because it is easy to follow the steps to creating a WordPress site. The multiple plugins also make it possible for you to customize your site according to the type of website you want. Your WordPress site can also be accessed from multiple browsers and has features that make it easier for the visually impaired to use.

Would you like help setting up your own WordPress website? Contact Chicklet Marketingwe have professionals who would happily help you get started. In just minutes, you will have a site that you can easily customize to your liking.

For example 123movies is using WordPress CMS too, because is easy to use.

4. Multiple themes make work easier.

Starting to create a theme from scratch is both time consuming and makes you dig a little deeper into your pocket. But why go through the hassle when you can easily get a theme from WordPress then customize it to suit your personal style? We have worked with many clients who were a bit skeptical about using the free platform to power their websites but once they saw their completed and customized themes, they were satisfied with the results.

5. Automattic does an awesome job taking care of WordPress.

Started by Matt Mulengwen, Automattic has a team of developers who ensure that WordPress runs smoothly. They control programming, protect the site’s open source nature, take care of security and even host affordable educational conferences. At first, WordPress looked like it was bound to fail due to the open source nature, but funny enough, it has become their strongest feature yet. The other CMS providers wholesale jerseys find wholesale nfl jerseys it hard to keep up with this WordPress since the volunteer developers are always motivated to work and Automattic stays ahead, steering WordPress in the right direction.

6. An outstanding experience with the visual editor and CMS.

WordPress is very user friendly. In fact, we dare call it ‘idiot proof’ since it has anyone can use it. For instance, they have a tool that enables you to paste directly from Word. Updating and managing your content on WordPress is a breeze. It also has a CMS that is constantly being improved to incorporate better features in the galleries, the history and comment sections among many others.

7. Your website will already be optimized for the search engines.

SEO has become an important part of online marketing, making it an essential when one is designing a website. It could cost you a bit too, but WordPress provides you with an already optimized site! The sites cheap nfl jersey china are very easy to navigate through, have easy linking and smooth permalinks which are the basic things that make a website Google friendly. When a client approaches us at Chicklet Marketing with enquiries about Search Engine Optimization, we always recommend a conversion to WordPress as the first step.

8. It makes blogging easier.

With content creation and marketing forming the perfect foundation for your online marketing campaign, WordPress offers you a great platform that makes blogging easier and manageable. This is strongly supported by the fact that you will have inbuilt categories, tags, gravatars, a comment section, easier theming, great moderation controls, anti spam solutions, widgets and endless plugins at your disposal. No other CMS provider comes close to this!

Your blog gives you a voice and a platform to maintain a two way communication with your site cheap nfl jerseys China visitors. This helps bring you closer to your audience and helps you rank higher in the major search engines.

9. WordPress is easy to install, update and secure.

They literally have a 5 minute installation procedure. You might take a bit longer if you are a learner, but the steps are quite simple and you could always get one of our experts to assist with the initial setup.

They have also made it quite easy to install new security updates in a way that does not interrupt your site’s functionality. They constantly update you when new updates are available, providing you with a link that you can just click on and you have your new updates installed.

Although this is true, we have a recommendation that we give to Chicklet Marketing’s clients, and that is you must always back up your data before an update to avoid losing data in case of unforeseen hiccups. It would therefore be wise to familiarize yourself with backup plugins and techniques before embarking on any installations.

10. You can regularly improve your site.

As you grow, so does your WordPress site. This is because you get to learn something new everyday and use it to improve and customize your website. With thousands of free themes to choose from, you can constantly use something fresh to give your customers a new experience.

WordPress gives you versatility, flexibility and a cost effective way of maintaining your online presence. Hopefully by now you are well informed on the advantages of using WordPress to create your website. Is there something you would like to add or comment about? We would love to hear about your experience with WordPress in the comments section below.
Do not forget to sign up for our newsletter as well, our professionals at Chicklet Marketing are always sharing vital information on website design and other valuable information on how to improve your online presence for maximum impact.

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