A smart marketer knows the importance of taking email marketing seriously. When you handle your mailing list in a haphazard manner, then you are putting your whole marketing campaign in jeopardy. In a bid to improve your email marketing experience, I have compiled a list of helpful resources that I have personally found to be extremely helpful.
From what I have experienced from my clients at Chicklet Marketing, I know that most mistakes we make would simply be avoided if we knew where to channel our energies. How do you build and manage a powerful email list? How do you create captivating emails? What about the frequency and timing of your emails? If you have been wondering how to effectively handle email marketing, I have the right resources for you in this post.
1. 20 Simple Ways to Boost Blog Subscribers
This post has the most intriguing content on how to build a blog that attracts and maintains a loyal fan base. Remember, these loyal blog visitors are your best shot at making sales and sharing your content to a wider audience. There are also helpful email marketing tips such as content optimization and the importance of rewarding your subscribers.
2. How to Write Emails That Sell (And That People Love to Read)
Ben Settle teaches you how to strike a balance between providing helpful content and selling. He provides an interesting twist to writing monotonous emails by giving three infotainment tips to incorporate into your content. What better way to make sure that your customers enjoy your content while looking forward to hear more from you?
3. Design Mistakes to Avoid for Better Emails
I cringe every time I imagine a reader trashing my email just because the design was poor! This post has however shed light on the mistakes that would make you lose your customers based on your email design alone. From your color, font choices to the way you organize your information, check out this piece for some insight on how to avoid being sent to the trash folder without much of a chance.
4. When Is The Best Time of Day to Send an Email?
Another informative piece for email marketers. Prompt a response from your target audience by reaching them at a time when they are most likely to be affected. Whether you are running a B2B or B2C campaign, your timing is of utmost importance. You will also benefit from a statistical chart on the relationship between the time you send an email and the kind of sector you are in.
5. 7 Smart Email Marketing Campaigns To Bring Back Your Customers
Go through email remarketing campaign tips to bring back customers. You may stumble upon first time customers who would gladly buy from you, but getting them to buy again and actually remember you? That’s a tough call, you might actually need some help. Check out these 7 things to incorporate into your campaign so you would be remembered by your customer.
6. Subject Lines Tested- How to Write Subject Lines That Double Your Click Through Rate
You will be glad you watched this hour long video that takes you through the finer details of subject lines. If you have been having problems with composing killer subject lines, or you would simply like to enrich your knowledge on this art, you stand to benefit from this.
7. 11 Great Ways To ‘Get Personal’ When Marketing Via Email
Email personalization is something that most of us seem to struggle with. How do you connect with your customer on a personal level but still maintain the professional angle? This list will help you to cross a certain threshold, so that instead of being a plain marketer you will have that extra boost for better results.
Your email marketing campaign has to be well calculated, with the right tips and tools taken into consideration. These 7 resources have effectively covered your content needs right down to timing for a campaign that will be well executed. Would you like to have professionals handling your email marketing campaign? You can always contact Chicklet Marketing to learn more. We are dedicated to catering for your online business needs so you would be able to reach your target audience in a way that prompts positive results.